Sunday, January 30, 2011

For Parents and Students after 1/23/2011 class

(Please see me at Church or in class for comments about doing these video homework exercises at home with your child/student. I think they are worth while, short, and get you and your child/student to think about God (etc) together. This should be the last video homework for a while. Thanks.)

The Homework:

What is sin?

This homework worksheet is designed to be completed by a parent/guardian in collaboration with their student. Further, the parent/guardian is encouraged to talk about what is being said in the video to answer the questions below.

1. Listen to a video at the class website,, on the post entitled “For Parents and Students after 1/23/2011 class”. The video is entitled, “Fr. Barron comments on The Fall” [Here's the link].
2. Answer the following questions.

(a) According to the video above, in one sentence (with at least five (5) words), describe or define sin.

(b) The video referenced the (Catholic) Bible and other writings that included:
(1) The story of Adam and Eve in Genesis;
(1a) The Trinity
(2) The Widow of Zarephath (1 Kings 17);
(3) The Women at the Well;
(4) The Prodigal Son;
(5) A U.S. Supreme Court opinion;
(6) A quote of Blaise Pascal.

Choose one of the references above ((1) to (6)) to answer the following question:

How does one of the references above ((1) to (6)) relate to your answer to part (a) above? In other words, what does the description or definition of sin (part (a) above) have to do with one of the references above ((1) to (6))?

Write 3 or more sentences (with at least four words in each sentence) to answer this question. Use the back of this paper if more room is needed to write the answer. Draw a picture (in addition to the sentences) if it helps in explaining your answer.